Superfast Validator


High-performance validator on Solana and Aptos - we specialize in chains that scale.

Dedicated to Africa: as the sole operator with high-end hardware on the ground in Africa, we bring top-tier block production capabilities to the continent.

Community Focus: we are deeply embedded in our supported ecosystems and in addition offer analytics dashboards to foster enhanced network participation

  • Aptos real-time analytics at
  • superSOL Dune dashboard
  • 🟢 Stake with Superfast: use your wallet to stake natively or take advantage of our Solana Blinks for seamless SOL staking: stake natively or buy superSOL (learn more).

    We are dedicated to delivering exceptional performance, ensuring our stakers receive the highest APY. On Solana, we run Jito MEV to boost returns and maximize yield.

    Follow @revick__ for updates